Lowongan Staff IT di PT. INDORENT

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INDORENT yg bergerak di bidang rental kendaraan mencari beberapa staff IT dengan kriteria sebagai-berikut:

IT Technical Support
1. Male, max 29 years old
2. Bachelor degree Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Informatika
3. Experience in server, LAN, Windows, Linux
4. Has good interpersonal skill

Junior/Senior Programmer
1. Male / Female, age max 25 years old
2. Bachelor degree graduated from IT or other related field, min IPK 3.00
can be Fresh graduated or who have experiences
3. Has experience develop applications using VB.Net, ASP.net, C#
4. Has experience develop ActiveX Code, component DLL, 3rd party component
5. Has experience in SQL Programming such as store procedure, trigger, etc
6. Has highly Initiative, challenge, motivation and honest
7. Good remuneration

IT Help Desk
1. Female or male and max 25 years old
2. Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) in Information Management or Teknik Informatika
with min GPA is 3.0 (on 4.0 scale)
3. Has experience using VB.Net, component DLL, 3rd party component
4. Has experience in SQL Programming such as store procedure, trigger, etc
5. Having knowledge of Ms Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) would be an
6. Having experiences in multi branches company
7. Could build good relationship with computer vendors
8. Fast learner and eager to help people
9. Hard worker, fast learner and can work in a team

Jl. Radin Inten II, Kav. 8 No. 18,
Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur
Tlp : 021 - 866 10 999
Email : itrecruitment@indorent.co.id