
Update: 17 years 26 weeks

we are Japanese Lubricants manufacturing company at Karawang, urgently need Qualify professionals for Accounting Department positions. 1. Accounting Receivable & Tax staff a. Male or female 28 years old b. Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable university c. Min 1 years experienced / fresh graduate d. Understanding tax regulations (Brevet A&B) e. Computer literate & Accounting system (platinum is preferred) f. English proficient g. Highly motivated, disciline and able to work under pressure h. Willing to work & to be placed in Karawang 2. Account payable & Data Entry a.

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

Azia Consulting membutuhkan Surveyor untuk kegiatan penelitian mengenai: "preferensi masyarakat perkotaan terhadap tempat tinggal" kegiatan survey dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2007 dengan target responden sebanyak 50 orang pada pusat-pusat kawasan bisnis di 5 (lima) kotamadya di DKI Jakarta. Jl.Warung Jati timur No 32 Kalibata, pancoran 12740. contact PErson: tami (research dividion) 08128605695 mail:

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

MSM Consultants (PT.Murfa Surya Mahardhika membutuhkan: 1. Web Programmer persyaratan: a.pendidikan Min S1 di bidang computer science atau information b. harus menguasai pemrograman web (html,php,javascript) c. Menguasai Konsep database (access,mysql,sqlserver) d.Menguasai Konsep OOP e. Mampu bekerja baik individual maupun dalam tim d. Kreatif, terbuka, supel, dan dapat dipercaya dalam menangani suatu proyek f. Memiliki pengalaman Min 1 tahun dibidang yang sama g. Pria/wanita dengan usia max 30 thn 2. Asisten Akuntan (A/Jt) a. IPK minimal 2.75 Pria usia 25 tahun b. Belum menikah c. Fresh

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

we are growing korean e-learing company is seeking a high-motivated person to join with us Qualification: 1. Able to use 3ds Max or any #D sofwares 2. Decent skliis in creating #D charater 3. Have a good concept in hand-drawing 4. Able to use Macromedia Flash is an advantage 5. Age is between 20-25 6. Have good sense of humor 7. Fresh Graduate prefered please send your CV and portfolio before August 11 2007 to or contct us for more futher details (021)

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

Draco Internasional membutuhkan: 1. Technical Engineer 2. Technical Support candidates required are those who are majoring in one of the followings: a. Electrical Engineering b. Mechanical Engineering c. Informatics Engineering for those who are interested, please send your application and CV to: PT. Draco Internasional Komp.Permata Kb.Jeruk Blok B4-5 Jl.Kebun Jeruk Raya No 9 jkrt 11530 email:

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

Draco Internasional membutuhkan: 1. Technical Engineer 2. Technical Support candidates required are those who are majoring in one of the followings: a. Electrical Engineering b. Mechanical Engineering c. Informatics Engineering for those who are interested, please send your application and CV to: PT. Draco Internasional Komp.Permata Kb.Jeruk Blok B4-5 Jl.Kebun Jeruk Raya No 9 jkrt 11530 email:

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

GoldMany Indonesia membuthkan: Trainee financial consultant if you are: 1. Male or Female 2. Good Performance 3. Graduated from any discipline 4. Age min 20 years old we will give you: 1. Fix salary 2. Good Career Path 3. Bonus and Commission plaza BII Tower III, 8th floor jl.M.H.Thamrin Kav 51-10350

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

we are a joint venture company between singapore computer limited (scs),one of the largest one stop ict services providers in the asia pacific region and pt astra graphia,tbk (member of astra group)-a leading it solution and s ervices in indonesia. Our competencies and service excellence have enable us to public sectors,including telecommunications,banking and financial,oil and gas and plantation as well as government. In Advancing our business, we are currently seeking fresh graduate candidates with strong analytical thinking,good customer service orientation,communication and interpersonal skill to join our winning team. The available position is: MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (MT) You

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

Darmawan Swecker & Associates, merupakan perusahaan konsultan yang berfokus pada sumber daya manusia. Kami mencari kandidat yang kreatif,dinamis,memiliki motif berprestasi yang tinggi,komunikatif serta punya interpersonal yang baik, untuk mengisi posisi: 1.BOOK KEEPER TAX Kualifikasi: -wanita,usia max.24 tahun -pendidikan min.d3 akuntansi gpa min.2,75 -pengalaman 0-2 thn -mampu mengoperasikan komputer -bahasa inggris pasif -komunikatif,team work,inisiatif,rajin,jujur,rapi,tekun & teliti 2.AUDITOR Kualifikasi: -pria, max.30 thn -pendidikan min.d3 akuntansi gpa min.2.75 -bahasa inggris pasif -memahami prinsip-prinsip akuntansi -integritas tinggi & cerdas,komunikatif,team work,inisiatif,rajin,jujur, rapi & tekun 3.SALES SUPERVISOR -pria,usia

Update: 17 years 27 weeks

PT.Asuransi Puri Asih Membutuhkan: STAFF IT Kualifikasi: -usia max.27 thn (pria/wanita) -menguasai bahasa pemrograman clipper & vb -menguasao jaringan,web design,sql,dll -pengalaman tidak mutlak Lamaran ditujukan ke: P.O.BOX 1437 ATAU JL.K.H.WAHID HASYIM NO.10 F-G JAKARTA PUSAT